JUCCCE National Training Center for the Mayors of China

 In High Road Actions: Climate Crisis, High Roads Traveled

Originally posted on May 6, 2009

Presentation on Clean Energy
Joint US-China Cooperation on Clean Energy
May 6, 2009- Beijing, China

Rocky Anderson was invited by JUCCCE (Joint-US China Cooperation on Clean Energy) and the National Training Center for the Mayors of China on Clean Energy to present on clean energy and how to incorporate it into their cities. By taking the message of clean energy and its applications in a local city setting internationally, Rocky Anderson demonstrates that he is actively seeking solutions to make this a better, safer, more sustainable world.   Clean energy is a pro-active solution that everyone can engage in and adopt in their local communities to reduce the catastrophic consequences climate change threatens. By continuing to raise consciousness and participation in crucial issues such as clean energy and climate change, High Road actively instigates and inspires change on an international scale.

High Road for Humanity Picasa Web Album here

Read Rocky’s presentation notes here.

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