May Day: The American Labor Tradition, and Our Way Forward
Originally posted April 30, 2012
May Day: The American Labor Tradition, and Our Way Forward
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Do you know the history of May Day? On May 1, 1886, laborers came together to make Chicago the heart of the eight-hour work day movement. In a series of at least 19 marches beginning on April 25, laborers organized together and paraded down Chicago streets, which culminated in 35,000 skilled and unskilled workers walking off their jobs on the first of May. Inspired by those events, unionists and other workers around the world celebrated May Day as an international workers’ holiday.
In recent years the strong tradition of American labor has become all but forgotten. With the once thriving American union membership fading, the American middle class is realizing a dismal correlation between decreased union membership and diminishing income.
So what’s the way forward?
As president, Rocky Anderson will enhance union protection and reverse the catastrophic decline in union participation rates. His plan includes the following:
1. More union participation in government, rather than surrounding himself with Wall Street lackeys.
2. Repeal Taft-Hartley.
3. Support the Employee Free Choice Act.
4. WPA-type Initiatives.
5. Fair Trade.
An Anderson Administration would recognize the fundamental importance of a strong and vibrant labor movement as being one of the key building blocks upon which a strong and vibrant working and middle class is based, as it was in the 1950s and 60s. As Mayor of Salt Lake City, he dealt constructively with three public sector unions. Salt Lake City was the only city in Utah that engaged in collective bargaining, which Anderson has always supported.
Contribute to a real labor advocate today, May Day.
To defeat the corrupting influence of money, Rocky is accepting only up to $100 per person.
No special interest money. No exceptions.
Please send this message to 5 fellow supporters of working men and women. Let’s raise enough money for Rocky to spread our message across the country about defending the middle class.
Show your support for the middle class:
Read Rocky’s policy paper regarding Labor and Union Protection here.
Read Rocky’s policy paper regarding Wealth and Income Disparity here.